Wednesday, July 20, 2011

OSX Lion is out!

Yes, The day has finally come! Lion has been released to the public alongside the new-and-improved Macbook Air! Are you ready to upgrade? Read the following instructions to make sure your Mac can upgrade to iOS Lion!

BEFORE YOU START: YOU MUST BACK UP YOUR MAC ON TIME MACHINE OR YOU WILL LOOSE EVERYTHING(unless you install Lion over SL, but some apps may conflict with Lion)!

1.Your Mac must have an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor to run Lion. How are you supposed to know that? Click the Apple icon in the top left corner and go to 'About this Mac'. The information you need is on the first window that pops up. Got that done? Head onto the next step...

2. Do you have the latest version of Snow Leopard (10.6.8)? Check by going to 'About this Mac', and under the Apple logo, you will see your OS number in gray letters (It should look like 10.6.___). Got 10.6.8? If not, you will have to software update by clicking on the second option in the Apple Menu.

3. After that, all that is left to do is to head on down to the Mac App Store and buy your copy of Lion for only $29.99. Follow the onscreen instructions and your good to go!

If you have any queries, feel free to email us at


  1. Is it bad that I've already had Lion for a couple weeks thanks to a leaked GM release?

  2. @Gryt I think that the official public release is a bit different to the GM release

  3. yeah, sometimes the gm has bugs, thats why it took apple such a long time to release the retail after the gm
