Thursday, July 21, 2011

iOS 5 Countdown: Day 14- iTech Event

Welcome to day 15 of the countdown to iOS 5's release date. Today's post will be showcasing some popular rumors of the iPod Touch 5.

3G- This is a very popular ask for the iPod Touch because many applications and options that require internet. Since the iPod Touch is a portable device and many places don't have a constant Wi-Fi connection, the introduction of 3G will expand the horizons of the iPod Touch even more!

Screen- Unlike the iPhone and the iPad, the iPod Touch is classed as a gaming device. But to make the most out of many of the apps, a bigger screen is a must. A larger screen will help broaden the iPod's capabilities and the capabilities of the upcoming iOS 5.

Specs- Larger capacity, faster RAM, the works.

Thats all folks! Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for another post about iOS 5!

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