Sunday, July 3, 2011

Review- Parallels Desktop (Mac, PC, Linux)

As the demand for reliable, popular and trustworthy Virtual Machines grows, there is one contender on the market that mops the floor with the competition, Parallels Desktop. Being one of the most trusted and used names on the market, Parallels has almost become a household name in todays society of Operating Systems. But what sets it apart from others of it's kind, and is it really worth the dough when there are free options for users? Read on to find out.

What is Parallels?

Parallels is a virtualization and automation software that specializes in running multiple operating systems on single machines. It is easy to install and all you need is a Mac, PC or Linux with the installation disks of the desired operating system to hand. It is completely legal as long as you use legal copies of the disk and do not bypass any copyright laws.

Parallels vs. Bootcamp

Mac users will be familiar with the name 'Bootcamp'- It is an in-built feature of intel Macs running Snow Leopard which enables the user to natively run another operating system from the same machine from another partition in the hard-drive. The advantages of Bootcamp are that you can run the desired operating system with full speed because it gives it access to 100% of your machines RAM. The disadvantages are of course that the only way to switch from Mac to the other OS is to restart your computer and partitioning your drive is sometimes a risky process. Parallels also stores the other OS's files on your hard-drive, so it you still have the space that Bootcamp's partition would not allow you to access. The one you should use depends on what you will use it for, but you can always use both!

In conclusion, Parallels is a great tool and has won countless awards for it's services. I would highly recommend it to anybody and at around $100, it is definitely something you should look into buying if you own a business or things like that.

Useful links-  


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